They Watch Us from the Moon (Spotify, Bandcamp), hailing from Lawrence, KS, takes listeners on an interstellar journey with their newest album, “Cosmic Chronicles: Act 1, The Ascension,” released in May 2023. This captivating musical experience delves into the realms of psychedelic heavy space metal, creating a sonic odyssey that leaves a lasting impression.

They Watch Us from the Moon infuse their sound with grunge and alternative rock elements while embracing the cosmic and otherworldly aspects of progressive influences. The vocal performances on this album, reminiscent of the raw power and emotional depth heard in bands like Drain STH and Alice in Chains, bring a captivating intensity to the music.
The album opens with the atmospheric track “On The Fields Of The Moon,” setting the stage for the cosmic adventure ahead. The band’s ability to create an immersive sonic landscape is immediately apparent, as driving rhythm guitar and ethereal vocal harmonies transport the listener into a world beyond our own.
Haunting lead vocals deliver a vibrant and powerful display throughout the album. Hymnal Viking-like background vocal tones echo the intensity and dynamism of each song’s narrative, infusing it with passion and depth.
One of the album’s standout tracks, “Return To Earth,” showcases They Watch Us from the Moon’s impressive musicianship and knack for crafting intricate compositions. Building on the heavy guitar-driven sound reminiscent of Pink Floyd, this track blends soaring guitar solos with dynamic rhythms, creating a sense of vastness and exploration.
Cosmic Chronicles: Act 1 seems a beautiful euphemism for humanity’s exploration of outer space with the government’s secret ambitions (think big brother satellites) and the historical concept of manifest destiny. Just as pioneers embarked on a quest to conquer new territories, our forays into space represent a relentless pursuit of dominance, control, and inevitable self-destruction. The narrative of human space exploration becomes an allegory for the dark undercurrents of expansionism, echoing the historical patterns of exploitation that continue to shape our world.
Overall the album feels just as strategically orchestrated as organically composed. The immersive experience this band has created may require multiple listens to appreciate fully. I envision listeners enjoying “Cosmic Chronicles: Act 1, The Ascension” through big stereo headphones, lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, and getting lost in this full cosmic journey. However, I can’t wait for the day I see They Watch Us from The Moon in an arena full of swaying lighters; this feels like a band destined for big things.