Rose Garden Ballroom, Hays, KS
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Black Cat J, the one-man band from Wichita opened the evening with an electrifying Rockabilly meets Johnny Cash inspired set.

Following him was the always electric Starslinger, one of two bands tonight who will open up for Red Jumpsuit Apparatus on June 17th at the Fox Theatre in Hays.

After them, from Dodge City, was Thunderbird Hotel. Fans of the group followed them all the way from Dodge to see them. That must tell you something about the dedicated fanbase they have been building down south (and a little to the west).

Finally, closing out the show was local trio, Tree Kitty, who will join Starslinger on June 17th.

After Tree Kitty, a surprise performance by local rapper Adrian Parl who finished the evening off at the Rose Garden.