At 7Eight5, we are always looking out for the artist’s best interest, so it should be no surprise that we are alarmed at the recent influx of high-profile copyright lawsuits. But not to worry! We have assembled the five best ways to avoid being put in that position.
- Avoid Being Inspired By Marvin Gaye
- If the Pharrell vs. Marvin Gaye Estate and Ed Sheeran vs. Marvin Gaye Estate showdowns can teach us anything, it’s that the Marvin Gaye Estate is to not be fucked with. Study the Marvin Gaye discography, and get to know it like the back of your hand, just so you know what not to do.
- Give Your Influences a Songwriting Credit
- There is a new trend of artists giving influences songwriting credit to avoid getting sued. We at 7Eight5 100% back this method. And remember, the more credits given the safer. Listing every songwriter not currently in the public domain is recommended.
- Sue Before You Get Sued
- Do you have a song that sounds even vaguely similar to another song? Sue them first! Claim that their pre-existing copyright infringes on your ability to copyright your work.
- Discover a New Note
- Only A-G, and the sharps and flats, have been discovered. Where are the other nineteen letters in the alphabet? Don’t be lazy! Find H.
- Don’t Write Music
- This is the simplest, and honestly, most sane solution. The music industry is a ginormous late-stage capitalism disaster right now, which is most likely the reason for all of these lawsuits in the first place. So just don’t write that song. Don’t become a musician at all. And while you’re at it, suppress every creative urge you have, because every other creative field is wallowing in the same capitalist hell hole that music is.
7Eight5 hope you find this guide insightful and helpful. So next time you write a song and go to publish it, just remember these tips and tricks, and you should be safe from Marvin Gaye’s posthumous lawyers.