I don’t know where you planned to be the evening of Saturday, February 4th, but I sincerely hope it’s at the Rose Garden Banquet Hall! Ryne Timken, El Jefe, The Smokestack Relics, and Skinned Willy are going to take you on a little adventure! Before I get to the details, I have to tell you a little story.
The story for this shindig starts in a field in Nebraska. A friend of mine asked me to come to a music festival with him, and if you know me, I don’t often turn down such an offer. A couple months later, I was laying in a field in the middle of Nebraska listening to dark delta blues duo Freight Train Rabbit Killer, a religious experience to say the least. About halfway through their set a fella in overalls came and plopped down beside me. With a big smile on his face he said, “Howdy! Having a good time?” and proceeded to talk to me for the rest of their set. It was at that point I realized I was somewhere special. It turns out that fella was Vic Giron, the creator of what is now my favorite place to be 3 days of the year… Pondstock!
Vic is not only the brains and brawn of Pondstock, but he’s El Jefe! The name says it all, he’s the big boss! A monstrous one man band, playing tunes that bend genres and surf the edge of the cosmos. Vic and his acoustic guitar are joined on-stage by a CB microphone, theremin, kick drum, pedal driven tambourine, and other sonically awakening devices! Experiencing his sound in person is like nothing else. That’s why I am so happy for him to come to Hays and spread his sound.

Somewhere between handing out braille bibles (long story. Ask me about it sometime.) and Vic and I blasting the Natural Born Killers soundtrack to wake everyone up at 6am, I met the Smokestack Relics. The duo of brothers Cameron and Collin Webb, you can find them meandering around the Pond in clothing you would swear they jacked from Jimi Hendrix’ wardrobe and fancy umbrellas. They frequent dim bars and venues such as the world famous Lions Lair in Denver, but don’t be fooled, they are the sweetest people you’ll ever meet.
If you took Tom Waits profound gravel pit of a voice and the strangely beautiful songwriting of Syd Barrett, that right there is the base of The Smokestack Relics. Mix in the rhythmic repetition of middle-eastern tunes, you know, the kind that nearly hypnotizes you and you start to wonder if they are from this realm, or wandered into a closet that dropped them here from 1963. They split percussion duties with their feet and maintain the driving rhythm that fuels their melodies and guitar playing. A personal favorite aspect of their set is Cameron’s 3-string cigar box guitar, there’s no sound quite like it. The slide comes out and suddenly you feel like you’re on a porch in a holler somewhere in eastern Kentucky. Listen to their lyrics, find your own meanings, and find them after the show smoking cigarettes in their van to chat with them about what you think!
When it came to choosing local bands to support this show, my first thought was an acoustic set to start the evening. Who better than Hays’ own Ryne Timken, am I right? Ryne’s band Tree Kitty keeps him so busy, I’d be remiss not to have him showcase his solo talents. Ryne has a songwriting style and voice that will make you think so hard about life that you need to make a quick trip to the liquor store for a pack of smokes and a little nip of bourbon. The lyrics in his music are beautiful beyond measure and might just end up feeling like a good music therapy session that you never knew you needed!
As a promoter, I was looking for a slow build up in energy while choosing the order. Ease into it, and by the end of the night, when the music is flowing through your veins, it’s so intense you could just scream for no reason other than happiness. So, I chose the hardest hitting, yet laid back band I could think of! Skinned Willy! With energy levels from Bleach –era Nirvana to the entrancingly chaotic likes of Lightning Bolt, they might just get you “dancing” like you never thought you would. You’re not doin’ it right if you’re not moving like a porch plant in the Kansas wind, that’s all I’m saying!
So here we are at the end of the story, at least for now! It’s important to understand that without Pondstock, this show wouldn’t exist. I’ll take this moment to state that El Jefe will have early-bird tickets to the Pond for sale at the show! There are so many talented musicians that have performed there, bringing them to Hays to showcase their talents… is something I’ve been aching to do for a long time. I suppose the rest of the story is to be written Saturday, February 4th at The Rose Garden Banquet Hall! Come join us on a strange musical journey, boarding for the Strange Train begins at 7:30pm and take off is 8pm sharp! There will be food available for purchase and a full bar for your eating and drinking pleasure! $5 at the gate, BUY THE TICKET… TAKE THE RIDE!
– KC Tomanek