Dethklok have descended down from Mordhaus to deliver us their first new album in a decade, Dethalbum IV. Usually I would criticize a band of such cultural and social importance for taking so long between albums, but I understand that Dethklok must have a busy schedule running their empire.

No, but in all seriousness, Dethklok, the fictional-turned-real band from Adult Swim’s Metalocalypse returns with a not only a new album, but also a brand new feature length film, Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar. And if you’re late to the party, don’t worry, because Metalocalypse: The Complete Series has also just come out on blu ray. There’s a lot to unpack here, but let’s discuss the new album, Dethalbum IV, which delivers as no Dethklok album has delivered before.
Right from the beginning, it’s apparent that the band is in top form. There’s no rust from their ten year hiatus. If you thought Dethalbum III’s “I Ejaculate Fire” was an explosive start to an album, you haven’t heard anything yet. “Gardener of Vengeance” opens this album with the stunning tale of a killer whose weapon of choice is a weed whacker.
This album is not all blood and gore, though. Nathan Explosion must be getting a little softer around the edges these days, because there’s a song on here called “Poisoned by Food.” Now, you might think by the title that it’s about a person suffering from food poisoning. But actually, it’s a very harrowing account of a person living with irritable bowel syndrome.
Now, if you’re one of the very few people on Earth who don’t already like Dethklok, then this might be a good jumping on point. If you’re someone with an aversion to bast beats and good taste, then I suggest giving “DEADFACE” a spin. It’s a little more gentle and emotionally charged than the usual Dethklok sound.
This album was more than worth wait, and I’m sure it will only help to bolster Dethklok’s cultural, social, political, and financial standings. If you have ears, please do them a favor and listen to this album.